Edition 11
Publication Year August, 2019
Country Greece
Price 590.00€


A large number of units operate in the production of electricity from RES, either individually or as subsidiaries of larger companies. Over the last few years some company groups have adopted strategies that include mergers through absorption of fully-owned subsidiaries.
The annual installed capacity of RES units increased by an average annual rate of 19.1% during the period 2002-2018, while a further rise is expected for 2019.
Wind systems account for the largest part of the total installed capacity with a share of 49.1%, followed by photovoltaic systems with 45.4%.
The total electricity generation from RES increased during the period 2006-2018 by an average annual rate of approximately 15%. The overall sales of electricity from RES units showed an impressive increase in the period 2008-2018 by an average annual rate of 21.6%.